Newberg High School Class of '58
Photo Gallery
Gary Abell
Phil Adolf
Bob Andrews
Doug Andrews
Loretta Andrews
Loren Ashford
Clifford Attrell
Ann Baker
Carolyn Baron
Marlene Baurer
Ron Bibbee
Al Blodgett
Sue Bourland
David Boyea
Ben Braat
Bob Branch
Robert Brouer
Naida Burgoyne
George Burnett
Richard Carroll
Miles Christenson
Bob Church
Pat Clock
Donna Cloepfil
Phyllis Collier
Bob Cook
Margaret Corder
Roy Crow
Carla Curry
John David
Ronald Davis
Bob Dent
Bob Detrick
Larry Douglas
Janice Douthit
Mike Dreske
Bill Dressel
Mary Kay Emerson
LaRae Erickson
Alice Everest
Linda Farr
Ron Finley
Penny Fisher
Connie Fugate
Gaynelle Gaibler
Mary Alice Gennar
Phil Gleason
LeRoy Goff
Larry Hall
Bill Hamel
Dick Hamilton
Rosetta Harker
Carole Harle
Dick Hays
Bland Herring
Keith Herring
Yvonne Hess
Reginald Hill
Ruthellen Hinshaw
Calvin Holtan
Florence Holzmeyer
John Hoskins
Larry Hubbell
Penny Jackson
Stan James
Dale Jennings
Dorothy Jochims
Geraldine Johns
Connie Johnson
Ken Jones
Adolph Kabusreiter
Garry Kaden
Larry Kaden
Shirley King
Jerry Koch
Maxine Kuehne
Sandra LaJoie
Margery Lesser
Vivian Linglebach
Gary Lysne
Kay Mace
Jerry Macken
Glenda Mathis
Dave McAllister
Shirley McAllister
Larry McCullough
Sharon McFall
Shirley McKinnie
Wilmer Meier
Bill Meyers
Ray Michael
Reta Moore
Jeanne Ochsner
Beverly Parrish
Darlene Patton
Eleanor Payne
Marjorie Peck
Ruth Peterson
Mary Phillips
Cora Pierce
Sally Pinkerton
Howard & Liz Randol
Larry Randol
Roger & Alice Kaye Renne
Marilyn Richey
Diana Rickert
Bob Ring
Vicki Ringe
Sharon Robertson
Dolores Royer
Beverly Schaad
Jerry Schaad
Gary Scott
Virginia Searles
Steve Senter
Marita Shrock
Wayne Stanley
Carolyn Steele
Carolyn Stumma
Mike Sturdevant
Dennis Tichenor
Jim Trunde
Harold Turpen
Jerry Vinson
Pat Weaver
Bill White
Garry Whitmore
Patricia Wilson
Carol Wiltshire
Ellen Wroblusky
Doris Ziegenbein
Recently added
Earl Gillis
Charles Gilman
Ernest Heimbach
Helen Johnston
Frank Keltner
Millard Leslie
Howard McDonald
Jean McDonnell
Dennis Streed
Don Thompson
Mrs. Crater
Jack Morton
In Memoriam
60th Class Reunion
55th Reunion
50th Reunion
45th Reunion
40th Reunion
35th Reunion
30th Class Reunion
20th Class Reunion
Annual/Golden Gatherings
For both events the number of '58 classmates that attended is 69 plus Mary Holtan who came in honor of Calvin.
~Two Days of Connecting and greeting old friends~
The Cruise - Saturday afternoon
(July 19th, 2008)
There were 88 in attendance. 52 of them were classmates and are are listed inside.
Click here to check out
an afternoon on the river.
Willamette Falls from the Willamette Star. Click on image to view cruise photographs.
Click on image to view picnic photos
Click on image to view picnic photos
Part of your committee at work
More important work being done
The Picnic - Sunday afternoon (July 20th, 2008)
There were 94 in attendance. 57 of them were classmates and are are listed inside.
Click here to view the rest of our picnic photographs.
Click on image to view more picnic photos
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